BGC Hostel Makati

lee in bgc
Lee Rosales Avatar

At whatever point I travel abroad or even here in the Philipines and if my financial plan is sufficiently only for my particular stay/trip, my preferred decision of convenience beside the hotel is a hostel. I would preferably remain in a quirky and aesthetic hostel rather than spend all my money to a fancy hotel.

Be that as it may, in the event that I have more than enough money for my trip, I would, in any case, staying in a luxurious lodging / 3-4 star hotel. Today’s travelers are Posh Packers meaning they are explorers/backpackers yet they want and need a nice accommodation, comfortable bed, room with air conditioning yet at a less expensive cost.

I recall traveling with my Blogger colleagues and we visit around South East Asia, we left a couple of money from every one of our financial plans and for unforeseen changes of itinerary, we needed to book 2 evenings additional, 1 in Cambodia and 1 in Thailand. BeneficiaThe beneficial that hostels Asian nations are exceptionally mainstream and we just burn through 300-400 pesos every night for each paxduringng our extra evenings.

Pros of staying in a HOSTEL:


When it comes to traveling, I’m a cheapstake. I would spend my budget on tours and food and not everything on accommodations. Besides, you will just sleep in there and take a shower, that’s it. Most of the time you are away, on a tour.

Meeting new people

Yes, if you are spending a few nights in a hostel with a bunch of random fellow traveler, you will definitely meet and have new friends and perhaps an instant travel buddy.

Instagram worthy accommodation

Most hostels nowadays have their own theme and that’s what I like about BGC Hostel. each of their branch in Manila, Makati and Quezon City has each theme. Manila has a voyager theme, Quezon City branch has a posh and lavish design and furniture in their lobby and in Makati, it’s a fresh and artistic theme with a very colorful design.

BGC Makati




bgc manila


lee in bgc

BGC manila

day dreaming

BGC room






BGC Manila branch


BGC cover

lee guitar

bgc manila room 12


For detailed blog READ HERE




BGC Quezon City branch – BGC Panay Kain at Tulog


cy and lee

reception BGC panay kain at tulog

 BGC panay kain at tulog

reception BGC panay kain at tulog

For detailed blog READ HERE




No privacy

Because you are staying in a bund bed with a bunch of random people, may it be in a ladies dorm or mixed dorm.


This is one of my problems if I am staying in a mixed dorm room. Obviously, men snore too loud. Solution to this, bring your own earplugs – it helps tho, lol.


  1. Always bring padlocks, all hostel rooms have an individual locker room to put your belongings.
  2. Ear Plugs – so you won’t be bothered by smoking roommates
  3. Bring SARONG – if you are a freak like me, I put my sarong over my pillows. Hostels do not change beddings every day.
  4. Bring your own toiletries, most hostels have toiletries inside the bathroom but it’s better to be prepared.

Do you also like staying in a hostel or you’re a hotel person and wants privacy all the time and not meet fellow traveler? We are the all different type of traveler. If you love traveling, shoot me a message and I have a lot of travel plans in the coming months and early next year, you are free to join me!

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