Raise to 500 Likes and Followers

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Hi, everyone! I’m Lee Rosales, a mum, a traveler, blogger, and entrepreneur. I would love to share a little blessing to my readers around the Philippines. Help me raise 500 Likes and Followers on all my social media account. Starting today till July 20 will run the online contest thru Facebook likes, Twitter and Instagram following.

I am giving away 2 Chiffon shawl that I personally made thru my ever trusting Pink Sewing Machine, lol. As a traveler and a blogger, a shawl is my fave accessories. I used it as a cover up at the beach, on the plane or just an added accessories to your #ootd. And it’s great with your travel pictorials too.

shawl blue

shawl red


Enjoy! and don’t forget to share the link to your facebook friends so they can have a chance to win too.

Sharing is caring 🙂



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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