cebu restaurant

  • meximama cebu

    Meximama Cebu


    I first discovered this small restaurant when I visited Cebu in 2016. I was there for work and I was searching for a different kind of cuisine in Cebu….

  • lee cebu cover

    House of Lechon Cebu


    Cebu’s Favorite: House of Lechon Tapsi, Sisig, Adobo, Sinigang, Bulalo, and Lechon are my all-time fave Filipino food. I know, it’s all pork and fats but it’s all good…

  • Fine Dining at the Scape Skydeck


    Last June 14th, I was able to visit Cebu for the second time and I only have a limited time of 1 day and a half to have a quick…

  • Best Mexican Joint in Cebu: Meximama


    It has always been part of my trip to every city or province I visit is to try popular and unknown restaurants. Be able to try different variations of…